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ACES Radio

I can't believe you've done this. You've found our Libsyn page. HOW DARE YOU. 

This is a podcast about the Columbus Crew. Or Columbus Crew SC if you prefer. Or the Black & Gold. Or the Finches. But definitely not the Canaries, DAVE. NOBODY SAYS THAT. STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT A THING.

Anyway, we crack jokes, talk soccer, and read your hot takes. Check it out. Or don't, whatever. We're not the boss of you. 

May 26, 2017

  • Crew SC at New England recap, Cracking The Code, Man Balls
  • Celebrity Guest Weston Appelfeller stops by to talk about stuff and also things, and why grass is the future of the franchise.
  • Battle for The Grand Prize, Previewing Crew SC at Toronto, Previewing Crew SC vs Seattle Capos of Plascadia

May 18, 2017

  • SEGMENT ONE: Recapping Crew SC at Montreal Impact, Cracking The Code, Man Balls
  • SEGMENT TWO: Celebrity Fan Shaddy Swade stops by to talk about things and stuff, and also to confuse the living shit out of autocorrect with the spelling of his own name (xfilesdrop.mp3)
  • SEGMENT THREE: Battle for The Grand Prize, Prediction...

May 12, 2017

  • Recapping Crew SC vs New England, Recrapping Crewzers FZZZ vs Toronto Who Deserves Butter FC, Cracking the Code, Man Balls

  • Celebrity Fan Brian Harris Allan 87 stops by to listen to Morgan talk about his childhood injuries

  • Battle for The Grand Prize, Prediction scores, Prediction updates, Crewzers vs Montreal Impact,...

May 4, 2017

  • SEGMENT ONE: Recapping Crew SC vs. NYCFCSC, Cracking the Code, and Man Balls.
  • SEGMENT TWO: Celebrity fan and Easy Coast Ultra Steve Abreu stops by to chat about that time when John Clem got arrested in Montreal.
  • SEGMENT THREE: Battle for The Grand Prize, Prediction Score, Prediction Updates, Crew SC vs. New England...